The equity view on interest rates
Qi’s model of the relative value between US Financials (XLF) & US Real Estate (IYR) is now posting a substantial Fair Value Gap. At -1.5 sigma (-6.6%), the FVG is close to one year lows.
The relative performance of financials versus real estate is often seen as a way for equity investors to trade US interest rates. REITs tend to outperform banks when interest rates are falling. The standard narrative is that when rates are low the former offer a yield play while the latter find Net Interest Margins are squeezed.
The relative performance of financials versus real estate is often seen as a way for equity investors to trade US interest rates. REITs tend to outperform banks when interest rates are falling. The standard narrative is that when rates are low the former offer a yield play while the latter find Net Interest Margins are squeezed.