Unique Macro Analytics on Goldman Sachs Marquee
Goldman Sachs are embedding Qi’s data-science-driven macro factor risk data into Marquee to offer risk management capabilities that help provide clarity to your investment analysis as you navigate your portfolio exposures, asset by asset, through dynamic market conditions.
Measure and manage the macro risk factors in your portfolio
Goldman Sachs and Quant Insight (Qi) have collaborated to deliver Qi’s innovative, data science-driven quant macro analytics via
Goldman Sachs Marquee.
Goldman Sachs Marquee.
Qi’s actionable insight allow you to:
Uncover hidden, exogenous macro risks
Seamlessly monitor and adjust for the impact of macro factors within your portfolio
Make asset allocation decisions based on underlying assets’ sensitivities to factors.
Access Qi’s macro factors via Goldman Sachs’ flexible portfolio analytics ecosystem – programmatically in their raw format via API or through our open-source Python toolkit,
Goldman Sachs' Quant.
Access Qi’s macro factors via Goldman Sachs’ flexible portfolio analytics ecosystem – programmatically in their raw format via API or through our open-source Python toolkit,
Goldman Sachs' Quant.
About Qi's data signals
Quant Insight (Qi) empowers investors with actionable, high-integrity macro data and signals. Qi offers a powerful toolkit for alerting investors to hidden, exogenous macro risk. Qi macro analytics are designed to accurately measure the exposure of your portfolio to key macro factors. This is achieved by applying data science and machine learning techniques to extract macro sensitivities for thousands of securities across asset classes.
Macro risk monitoring and attribution
Understand the percentage influence of 39 macro drivers on individual assets of your portfolio.
Macro factors include:
Economic Fundamentals, such as inflation expectations and GDP growth
Financial conditions, including real rates, shape of the yield curve, shifts in Central Bank policy expectations, credit spreads, trade weighted foreign exchange
Risk aversion factors, including equity index, bond and currency volatility, regional and emerging market stress, and other indicators
Macro factors include:
Extensive coverage
Access macro factor sensitivity data for thousands of instruments across global equity stocks, futures and ETFs.