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CIOs & Risk Officers
Quant Insight distils signals from macro ‘noise’, producing portfolio analytics that give CRO’s unparalleled quantified insights into exogenous macro risks faced by securities in every asset class
Solutions For Macro
Modern Macro Views
Qi is the only provider built speci ically to capture macro draw- downs with the latest data and technology innovations. Integrate interpretable macro factors into your workflow to make better sense of regime changes.
Macro Insights
Target and manage risk precisely
> Pinpoint and communicate the impacts of macro regime changes on your portfolios.
> Uncover assets are vulnerable to environ- mental risks
> Adjust and manage your exposures with easy to use tools.
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Quant insight Data in Action
> Optimize portfolio weightings
> Stress test investment ideas
> Capture dynamic regime changes
> Identify key drivers
> Measure vulnerabilities
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Easily integrate
Bring interpretable macro factors into your workflow to make better sense of regime changes.

Ideal Solution:
Portfolio Construction & Risk Management
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Explore Quant Insight's unique data, analysis and solutions to understand how you and your team can easily integrate our information into your workflow.
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