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Equity Portfolio Managers
Equity L/S Managers
Build portfolios that outperform.
Disentangle macro effects from alpha for more resilient and precise portfolios and clearer stories for investors.
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Build Better Portfolios
Focus on stock selection, alpha, & Sharpe. We solve for macro.
Identify the overall macro risk versus idiosyncratic risk (alpha) in your portfolio.
Easily interpret the data and bring clarity to your investment process
Equity Long Short Managers
The Exposures You Want
Identify the macro-DNA of every asset in the portfolio and take actions on unintended exposures. Quantify the amount and timing of exposures. Qi’s innovative and proprietary technology scans for inflection points in market regimes using macro.
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Macro in a Box
Comprehensive, adaptive, and responsive easy to use tools.
Capture macro sensitivities through current market dynamics and innovative market measures.
Full suite of macro solutions through various delivery mechanisms.
Investment Peak
Equity L/S Managers
Identify the macro-DNA of every asset in the portfolio and take actions on unintended exposures

Ideal Solutions:
> Portfolio Construction & Risk Management
> Thematic Equity Baskets
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