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Andre Benz Zaoejcpdmkc Unsplash
Macro portfolio managers
Quant Insight distills signals from noisy and profuse high frequency macro and price data, with Pre Trade alerts and Post Trade analytics, giving portfolio managers a clear performance edge.
Macro Insights
The world's largest macro investors sharpen their macro view inside thin fractions of time.
Unique data and analysis inspired by leading academics with specializations in signal extraction. Tested and refined by PMs from blue chip asset managers for actionable ideas
Michael Dziedzic Nbw Kaz2Ble Unsplash
> Leverage your expertise with Real Time notifications along with all the key information.
> Assess all the evidence in one place.
> Ingest robust signals in Real Time via the Qi market tracker..
Fabio Oyxis2Kalvg Unsplash
Macro Valuation
> Get a single, robust macro valuation measures
> Drill into macro drivers on any assets you choose.
> Access clean, integrated data from multiple sources of high frequency macro information are normalized and de-correlated.
Hunter Harritt Ype9Sdopdyc Unsplash
Sharpen your macro view
With over 8000 instruments to enhance your research and trading entry/exit timings

Ideal Solutions:
> Trading Solutions
> Macro Models
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