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Macro Markets Insights
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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
Reid Zura Rijrunzf8Nc Unsplash
Fade the relief rally?
The Qi insight of May 23rd - “Signs of relief?” - flagged two trades for any contrarians thinking risky assets could rally into month-end.

AUDJPY is up 3.3% since then; it remains cheap but the Fair Value Gap has halved in size.

The other call was the KOSPI which was cheap to macro for the first time in 4 months & where macro model value was improving.

The KOSPI has rallied 1% since then but Qi’s fair value has increased by twice as much leaving it modestly cheap to model.

One of the main reasons for model value moving higher was improving domestic economic growth. Which makes this morning’s flag from RETINA™ all the more notable – weak trade data has prompted a 1% fall in South Korean growth taking tracking GDP to a 2022 low.
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Value vs. Growth
The asset allocation decision between Value & Growth is potentially shifting. It’s tentative but macro conditions which have supported Value’s outperformance through 2022 may have turned.
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AUDJPY is 4.0% cheap versus Qi’s macro-warranted model value.

A bullish signal was flashed on RETINA™ early last week (ref 89.97) & the Aussie Dollar has gained around 1.7% since trade inception.

But model value continues to move higher. The red line in the chart below shows where AUDJPY fair value is given prevailing macro conditions. It has risen ~5% over May, driven by improving risk appetite, metal prices & their impact on Aussie inflation expectations.
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Orion Nebula 11107 1920
Nowhere to hide
A common problem for US equity managers is where to hide in a bear market? The hit to Walmart & Target makes that job harder as traditional defensives like staples are proving just as susceptible to supple chain bottlenecks, inventory dilemmas & margin compression.
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Recession > Inflation?
Last week’s “This is important” insight noted a material shift in interest rate markets with regards to pricing of Fed rate hikes. The removal of future hikes suggested an increased focus on recession risks over inflation worries.
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Brendan Church Pkef6Tt3C08 Unsplash
Bottom Up meets Top Down
- US Retailers
Last week Walmart & Target spooked the equity market. This week a number of additional US retailers report earnings & the fear is they provide further evidence that soaring inflation is hurting margins.
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Pexels Sam Willis 3934512
Signs of relief?
The bad news keeps coming & the single most important chart on Qi continues to point to deteriorating macro conditions: macro-warranted model value for the S&P500, NASDAQ (indeed most major DM equity indices) continues to point lower.
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Nasa Scbkw9Akgca Unsplash
A shamelessly click bait title but when consumer staples like Walmart & Target are down ~20% in one day’s trading, its not a completely unfair question.
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Raychel Sanner 0Pswkddfxii Unsplash
This is important
Lower inflation expectations, bond yields, commodity prices plus sell-side surveys suggesting cyclicals like Industrials & Materials are where an increasing number of short positions reside. None of these are moving in a straight line but turning points can often be a process rather than a single, clean event.

All the above speak to markets’ increasing focus on downside risks to economic growth rather than fears of inflation. In that context, this chart is important.
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Ferenc Horvath Skcfibu91Aa Unsplash
Watch Hong Kong
Global investors should be keeping a close eye on Hong Kong.

As a small open economy with a US Dollar peg & growing Chinese influence, it is uniquely exposed to two of the biggest headwinds facing financial markets – the Fed’s policy tightening & the economic hit from China’s tech regulation & zero covid policy.

On an outright basis the Hang Seng is cheap to macro. But that valuation comes with a health warning as model confidence is rolling over aggressively. Macro’s explanatory power has fallen 25% in the last 2 weeks alone.

But Qi’s relative value model for Hong Kong versus broad Emerging Markets paints a different picture. In regime & now the Hang Seng is just over one standard deviation (2.6%) rich versus MSCI Emerging Markets relative to macro conditions. In Qi Fair Value Gap terms, this is the top end of recent ranges.
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Value vs. Growth
The asset allocation decision between Value & Growth is potentially shifting. It’s tentative but macro conditions which have supported Value’s outperformance through 2022 may have turned.
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US equity managers should be aware that their allocations between Value & Growth are not simply a risk premia decision. Macro factors are equally important. Qi’s Growth vs. Value model has been in a strong & highly stable regime for a year now.

And currently the Value vs. Growth ratio (using the Vanguard tracking ETFs VTV vs. VUG) is behaving in line with macro fundamentals. There is no valuation edge.

But there is a potential top in macro-warranted model value. The strong uptrend in the red line over 2022 suggested macro conditions favoured Value over Growth. That trend may now be over.

Qi model value peaked on May 24th & has fallen 3.5% since then. All driven by falling inflation expectations & easier financial conditions (credit spreads, real rates & EuroZone spreads).
Vtv Vs Vug
And that’s the paradox facing investors. If the Fed feel still tighter financial conditions are needed in the fight against inflation, these macro factor moves won’t last. This is a bear market rally & Growth plays can underperform once again.

The view on whether this is bear market noise or a more fundamental regime shift is yours. But the Qi framework can help identify which parts of the market have become divorced from macro.

For example, if you believe there is a meaningful rotation brewing, is there a valuation edge anywhere? XOP vs. XLC is now 14% rich to macro.

That’s because of the divergence between spot (near recent highs) & Qi model value which has fallen almost 5.5% over the last 3 weeks.

Not for tech bears (especially Facebook & Google given they account for almost half of the Communication Services sector) but an example of how to quickly spot potential trade opportunities.
Xop Vs Xlc
AUDJPY is 4.0% cheap versus Qi’s macro-warranted model value.

A bullish signal was flashed on RETINA™ early last week (ref 89.97) & the Aussie Dollar has gained around 1.7% since trade inception.

But model value continues to move higher. The red line in the chart below shows where AUDJPY fair value is given prevailing macro conditions. It has risen ~5% over May, driven by improving risk appetite, metal prices & their impact on Aussie inflation expectations.
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The result is that, even with spot moving higher, the market remains cheap versus Qi model value.

Those key drivers – healthy risk appetite, rising metal prices / Australian inflation – are highly intuitive given this cross is often viewed as a barometer for the global business cycle.

Most financial commentary is focusing on downside risks & a likely recession. A scenario that is not consistent with AUDJPY upside.

Qi model confidence is strong & the signal remains valid while macro fair value continues to appreciate. Economic bears will almost certainly pass on this one. But, for those looking for last week’s rally in risky assets to continue, or those thinking recession talk is overdone, AUDJPY looks an interesting play.
Orion Nebula 11107 1920
Nowhere to hide
A common problem for US equity managers is where to hide in a bear market? The hit to Walmart & Target makes that job harder as traditional defensives like staples are proving just as susceptible to supple chain bottlenecks, inventory dilemmas & margin compression.
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If traditional sector allocations aren’t working, how about a smart beta approach. Fearful of a recession? Surely if bond yields are rolling over, Growth is recovering versus Value? Once again there is a divorce between market narrative & reality – Value has yet to give up any of its 2022 outperformance versus Growth.

Maybe a new perspective is required. Qi’s unique optimiser employs best-in-class, out-of-sample tracking. It finds the combination (names & weights) of liquid single stocks that most efficiently track a target variable.

The example below is Qi’s US inflation basket. A 50:50 Long / Short basket of US blue chips that, since Jan 2019, has produced a 92.3% correlation with US inflation expectations as measured by 5y USD inflation swaps
Newplot 87
The optimizer can be trained on any target variable. Ones that best capture your main macro scenario; or the biggest risk exposure you need to hedge.

It will provide a list of liquid stocks that closely correlate to the target, & is highly customizable: exclude individual names, skew sector allocations, cap single stock exposure to your chosen level of diversification, set a minimum liquidity constraint etc etc

Look Up™
Nasa Scbkw9Akgca Unsplash
A shamelessly click bait title but when consumer staples like Walmart & Target are down ~20% in one day’s trading, its not a completely unfair question.
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What started with unprofitable tech is now impacting bricks-&-mortar retailers selling everyday goods; companies normally perceived as relative defensive havens.

To the extent it captures inflationary bottlenecks which compress margins, it is easy to see retailers as a warning of broader pain for corporate profitability. That suggests this is not capitulation but the market questioning future earnings growth. But where does that leave Consumer Staples as a sector?

The classic cyclical barometer of Staples versus Discretionary has just entered a new macro regime. XLP vs. XLY model confidence has risen 10% in the last 2 weeks, 18% over the last month, & now stands at 69%. Macro matters once again.

For the first time since November, Staples are cheap to Discretionary. It’s small (-0.3 sigma, -2.2%) but a notable shift. It is also worth noting that Qi model value continues to point higher, i.e. the macro environment continues to favour Staples outperforming.
Xlp Vs Xly
In sector RV space, RETINA™ has flagged two bullish signals on XLP. Consumer Staples are now 1.7 sigma cheap versus both Health Care & Materials. That’s a record Fair Value Gap for XLP vs. XLV – we’ve never seen a dislocation this big between these two defensive sectors when in regime since 2009.

XLB vs. XLP has only been in regime & this rich to model 3x in the last 14years. The hit rate as a sell signal is 67%.

These are incredibly volatile markets that require additional diligence on any systematic signal. That said, such price action also throws up opportunities & RETINA flags where markets have moved furthest away from macro fundamentals. At a minimum, it is a source of potential trade ideas for consideration.
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