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Macro Markets Insights
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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
Todd Trapani 11Hnchukldg Unsplash Copy
Avoid macro "landmines"
- a case study for stock pickers
A recent Goldman Sachs study revealed GVIP – the ten most popular stock picks by HF managers – was the worst performing strategy year to date.

It is not that managers have suddenly lost the ability to pick winners. It is because macro “landmines” are ruining performance.

How is an equity manager busy analysing bottom-up company fundamentals supposed to insulate themselves from the huge array of macro crosswinds that plague financial markets currently?
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Raychel Sanner 0Pswkddfxii Unsplash
Qi helps with
- macro event risk
President Powell’s speech at Jackson Hole dominates this week’s calendar. Traditional research opines on whether he’ll pivot towards 2023 rate cuts, give clues on the Fed’s approach to Quantitative Tightening or any number of macro scenarios.

Qi gives bottom-up focused equity investors an easy window into the macro world. The chart below shows three of the four factors in our “risk aversion” bucket. It includes VIX, VDAX & VXEEM all in z-score terms, i.e. how far each factor is from its long term average.

Over the summer, equity volatility declined in US, Europe & Emerging Markets. In all three cases the rally in stocks took vol below trend. The latest bout of nerves running into Jackson Hole has seen a modest pop higher, but the move has resulted in some interesting observations.
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Aaron Burden Nxt5Prob 7U Unsplash
Integrating systematic signals into
a discretionary process - Gold
On one level Qi is a simple productivity tool.

Portfolio managers have multiple distractions competing for their time. Qi can quickly signal when a security is in a macro regime, when there is a valuation story.

It’s US CPI day & analysis around the inflation outlook will flow thick-&-fast. Qi has a few simple observations.
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Omega Nebula 11053 1920
Macro in one chart
One of the problems trying to integrate macro into an equity manager’s investment process, is the subject itself. It can be tricky to follow & fit into one, easy story.

On the Qi portal the first chart you will see is the “Top 10 Macro Driver Shifts”. It shows the 10 biggest shifts in macro factors over the last week.

For time poor equity PMs it is an effective cheat sheet. Take today’s for example.
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Global Energy Majors
Watchlists enable clients to focus in on a particular topic - in this instance the worlds' major energy companies.

In one glance ascertain:
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Qi Dashboards
- a case study for multi asset investors
This short 3 minute video provides an example of Qi dashboards. In this instance customised to show equity, government bond, credit, FX, commodity & crypto markets. A comprehensive overview for global multi-asset investors.

In one glance, investors can see where each asset class & each geographical region is priced relative to macro-warranted model value.

That means the asset classes that are leading or lagging relative to prevailing macro conditions becomes instantly apparent.
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Evgeni Tcherkasski Bfbhwj4Qafo Unsplash
How to measure a bear
market rally versus a genuine turn
The bottom is in, or another bear market rally? Probably the biggest question facing equity managers today.

To help answer that question, surely the very first step requires a firm understanding of what’s driven the squeeze higher thus far.

The chart below shows the attribution of Qi model value for the S&P500 over the last 2 weeks.

Over that time, macro-warranted fair value for SPX has increased 8.35%. The biggest driver of that has been credit. The tightening of credit spreads has had twice as much impact as the next beneficial factor move.
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Weightless 60632
How to cheat at macro
One of the reasons equity managers often ignore macro is because it feels too vague. The sense is it's less relevant to day-to-day investing, let alone day-to-day life. It’s also tricky to follow given its traditionally all about opinions & therefore requires refereeing to judge the ‘winner’.

Fair, but that’s why Qi provides a quantitative framework to help identify critical macro relationships.

Consider the chart below. It takes US mega cap tech stocks & breaks each one down to show the respective influence of different macro drivers.

Qi sensitivities show the percentage impact on stock price for a one standard deviation increase in that macro factor. Here we simply show the attribution of each factor & its contribution to Qi model value.
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Adam Birkett 77Hmm5Tg N4 Unsplash
Blending micro & macro
during earnings season
This week, 175 S&P500 companies release earnings. But Q2 GDP may herald a technical recession, the Fed will hike rates & further inflation data are also due.

There are so many moving parts, how is an equity manager supposed to keep up?

Qi’s RETINA™ is a pipeline of potential trade ideas. Amongst a list of tailored assets, it highlights when securities become divorced from macro fundamentals.

One current example is RSP, the Invesco ETF that tracks an equally weighted S&P500 index rather than a market-cap one.

RETINA is flagging that RSP is now 0.9 sigma (5.5%) rich to macro model value. Spot RSP has accelerated ahead of macro conditions & Qi’s Fair Value Gap is at the richest levels recorded in 2022.
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Juskteez Vu Tirxot28Znc Unsplash
How to measure
Italian political risk
Marrying bottom up & top down analysis is hard enough. How are portfolio managers supposed to handicap political risk?

Instead of relying on the opinion of geopolitical strategists, the Qi framework uses financial securities to capture the markets’ current perceptions of the risk around certain political scenarios.

Asset swap spreads for peripheral EuroZone sovereigns like Italy, Spain & Greece can be used to measure the degree of stress markets are pricing in for highly indebted southern European economies.

Qi’s algorithm de-trends & vol adjusts each spread, & then runs Principal Component Regression to capture the independent sensitivity of any security to this factor.

In the chart below we look at European equity sectors & overlay sensitivity to peripheral spreads with aggregate macro valuations.

Sectors to the right of the vertical zero bound want Italian spreads to remain well behaved. The further to the right, the greater the sensitivity; i.e. the more vulnerable they are if BTP spreads blow wider.

Red dots above the horizontal zero bound are currently rich relative to overall macro fair value.
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Todd Trapani 11Hnchukldg Unsplash Copy
Avoid macro "landmines"
- a case study for stock pickers
A recent Goldman Sachs study revealed GVIP – the ten most popular stock picks by HF managers – was the worst performing strategy year to date.

It is not that managers have suddenly lost the ability to pick winners. It is because macro “landmines” are ruining performance.

How is an equity manager busy analysing bottom-up company fundamentals supposed to insulate themselves from the huge array of macro crosswinds that plague financial markets currently?
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Raychel Sanner 0Pswkddfxii Unsplash
Qi helps with
- macro event risk
President Powell’s speech at Jackson Hole dominates this week’s calendar. Traditional research opines on whether he’ll pivot towards 2023 rate cuts, give clues on the Fed’s approach to Quantitative Tightening or any number of macro scenarios.

Qi gives bottom-up focused equity investors an easy window into the macro world. The chart below shows three of the four factors in our “risk aversion” bucket. It includes VIX, VDAX & VXEEM all in z-score terms, i.e. how far each factor is from its long term average.

Over the summer, equity volatility declined in US, Europe & Emerging Markets. In all three cases the rally in stocks took vol below trend. The latest bout of nerves running into Jackson Hole has seen a modest pop higher, but the move has resulted in some interesting observations.
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US vol is essentially back at trend; German vol is slightly below, while EM vol is one standard deviation below trend.

None suggest equity markets are particularly fearful as we head into Jackson Hole. If you fear a hawkish speech from Powell, Qi’s snapshot suggest volatility is not historically rich.

Aside from Jackson Hole, if you fear property market issues plus Zero Covid fall-out keeps the pressure on Chinese equities, this level of vol suggests VXEEM offers a potential hedge for global equities.

Similarly, amongst DM markets, if you fear the energy / income shock is first-&-foremost a headwind for European equities, hedging via VDAX looks interesting.

This info is accessible on the Qi portal’s landing page in the "Top 10 Macro Driver Shifts" chart. API users can get a longer history to gain still greater perspective.
Aaron Burden Nxt5Prob 7U Unsplash
Integrating systematic signals into
a discretionary process - Gold
On one level Qi is a simple productivity tool.

Portfolio managers have multiple distractions competing for their time. Qi can quickly signal when a security is in a macro regime, when there is a valuation story.

It’s US CPI day & analysis around the inflation outlook will flow thick-&-fast. Qi has a few simple observations.
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Gold is back being a macro play. Model confidence is now 65%, our threshold for a new regime.

The new regime is diverse but gold’s role as an inflation hedge is evident with rising positive sensitivity to global inflation expectations.

Model fair value has stopped falling but is yet to display any new highs consistent with trend reversal. But spot has rallied of late & that has created a 0.7 standard deviation (2.8%) valuation gap.

API users can back-test the efficacy of Qi FVGs as a signal. From here to +1.25 sigma looks like a coin toss – hit rates of around 50%. For potential bears, history suggests waiting for valuation gaps of +1.5 sigma where the hit rate rises to 60%.

Three quick steps – check model confidence, identify FVG, back-test the efficacy of that signal.

In short, from a macro perspective, another upside inflation surprise & this doesn’t look the optimal entry level to buy gold as an inflation hedge.

It’s not the optimal sell level either but, at these valuations, risk-reward suggests a downside surprise hurts more.
Omega Nebula 11053 1920
Macro in one chart
One of the problems trying to integrate macro into an equity manager’s investment process, is the subject itself. It can be tricky to follow & fit into one, easy story.

On the Qi portal the first chart you will see is the “Top 10 Macro Driver Shifts”. It shows the 10 biggest shifts in macro factors over the last week.

For time poor equity PMs it is an effective cheat sheet. Take today’s for example.
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The biggest shift last week was a positive move in US GDP growth. In z-score terms, Friday’s Payrolls report pushed tracking US growth higher by over one standard deviation. The move wasn’t as big, but European & Chinese GDP also enjoyed a decent bounce.

The next biggest moves came from US & European yield curves. Both experienced a sharp flattening.

Qi uses the 5s30s curve shape as a proxy for forward growth expectations. Yield curves typically steepen in a reflationary environment, flatten as markets worry about futures levels of growth.

And there you have today’s basic macro story summed up. The US labour market remains hot. But that increases fears of more aggressive Fed rate hikes, & that is pushing the bond market to flatten (invert) the yield curve & price in a 2023 recession.

Macro box ticked; time to move on with your bottom up analysis of company fundamentals.

And as an aside, note an improvement in Italian Sovereign Confidence also features. Given Moody’s downgrade to Italy’s rating outlook late on Friday, recent complacency here could be threatened.
Screenshot 2022 08 08 At 091406
Global Energy Majors
Watchlists enable clients to focus in on a particular topic - in this instance the worlds' major energy companies.

In one glance ascertain:
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  • which stocks are in macro regimes, & which are trading off idiosyncratic risks
  • identify potential trading opportunities - which names are rich or cheap versus prevailing macro conditions
  • charts which can help with your marketing / investor relations work
Qi Dashboards
- a case study for multi asset investors
This short 3 minute video provides an example of Qi dashboards. In this instance customised to show equity, government bond, credit, FX, commodity & crypto markets. A comprehensive overview for global multi-asset investors.

In one glance, investors can see where each asset class & each geographical region is priced relative to macro-warranted model value.

That means the asset classes that are leading or lagging relative to prevailing macro conditions becomes instantly apparent.
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Evgeni Tcherkasski Bfbhwj4Qafo Unsplash
How to measure a bear
market rally versus a genuine turn
The bottom is in, or another bear market rally? Probably the biggest question facing equity managers today.

To help answer that question, surely the very first step requires a firm understanding of what’s driven the squeeze higher thus far.

The chart below shows the attribution of Qi model value for the S&P500 over the last 2 weeks.

Over that time, macro-warranted fair value for SPX has increased 8.35%. The biggest driver of that has been credit. The tightening of credit spreads has had twice as much impact as the next beneficial factor move.
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Spx Attribution
The next 3 big tailwinds have come from inflation, real rates & European bond spreads, each contributing to around a 1% gain in model fair value.

Earnings are undoubtedly part of the puzzle, but macro currently explains 81% of S&P500 price action. Rising inflation expectations, lower real rates & tighter BTP spreads are critical.

Put another way, if equity managers aren’t watching the bond market they are blind to a big reason for July’s rally.

If the Fed endorse this easing of financial conditions, then the current macro regime will remain positive for equities.

Those who fear inflation has yet to peak, may wonder if the Fed really are happy to see the 2022 tightening of financial conditions start to unwind.

Qi macro attribution identifies what’s driving US equities. Adding this transparency into your framework means you start the process of forecasting H2 2022 performance from a far stronger position.
Weightless 60632
How to cheat at macro
One of the reasons equity managers often ignore macro is because it feels too vague. The sense is it's less relevant to day-to-day investing, let alone day-to-day life. It’s also tricky to follow given its traditionally all about opinions & therefore requires refereeing to judge the ‘winner’.

Fair, but that’s why Qi provides a quantitative framework to help identify critical macro relationships.

Consider the chart below. It takes US mega cap tech stocks & breaks each one down to show the respective influence of different macro drivers.

Qi sensitivities show the percentage impact on stock price for a one standard deviation increase in that macro factor. Here we simply show the attribution of each factor & its contribution to Qi model value.
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Bar Chart 25072022
In one glance you can identify key differences in macro drivers between the FAANG stocks.

Meta displays the biggest sensitivity to credit markets. Immediately equity PMs can see that if credit spreads resume widening, Meta is most vulnerable.

In contrast, it is noticeable that Google, Microsoft & Apple are significantly more reliant on real rates. If US financial conditions tighten more via rising real yields than credit, these names are - all else equal - more likely to suffer.

Apple is arguably the most interesting. It is less sensitive than most of its peers to Fed Quantitative Tightening, to credit spreads, to spikes in VIX. The current macro regime backs up the idea of it as an effective defensive play in troubled times.

Earnings season is a busy time with a raft of results requiring detailed analysis. Devoting hours trying to understand the macro picture can be a time sink.

But these are macro markets.

The conclusion should not be to ignore macro, but embrace a framework that utilises innovative AI in the back end, but delivers the analysis in quick, simple terms.
Adam Birkett 77Hmm5Tg N4 Unsplash
Blending micro & macro
during earnings season
This week, 175 S&P500 companies release earnings. But Q2 GDP may herald a technical recession, the Fed will hike rates & further inflation data are also due.

There are so many moving parts, how is an equity manager supposed to keep up?

Qi’s RETINA™ is a pipeline of potential trade ideas. Amongst a list of tailored assets, it highlights when securities become divorced from macro fundamentals.

One current example is RSP, the Invesco ETF that tracks an equally weighted S&P500 index rather than a market-cap one.

RETINA is flagging that RSP is now 0.9 sigma (5.5%) rich to macro model value. Spot RSP has accelerated ahead of macro conditions & Qi’s Fair Value Gap is at the richest levels recorded in 2022.
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Aside from crunching the numbers on single stocks, bottom-up analysis will be thinking about concentration risks.

There are fears that the big stocks by earnings contribution distort the overall earnings picture for the broader index. Put another way, that the earnings picture is worse outside of the biggest mega cap names.

Analysing company fundamentals during earnings season is a big drain on time. Fundamentally, Qi’s provides a low touch way to identify when stocks become divorced from macro.

RETINA™ is an efficient productivity tool to help blend micro & macro into one investment process.
Juskteez Vu Tirxot28Znc Unsplash
How to measure
Italian political risk
Marrying bottom up & top down analysis is hard enough. How are portfolio managers supposed to handicap political risk?

Instead of relying on the opinion of geopolitical strategists, the Qi framework uses financial securities to capture the markets’ current perceptions of the risk around certain political scenarios.

Asset swap spreads for peripheral EuroZone sovereigns like Italy, Spain & Greece can be used to measure the degree of stress markets are pricing in for highly indebted southern European economies.

Qi’s algorithm de-trends & vol adjusts each spread, & then runs Principal Component Regression to capture the independent sensitivity of any security to this factor.

In the chart below we look at European equity sectors & overlay sensitivity to peripheral spreads with aggregate macro valuations.

Sectors to the right of the vertical zero bound want Italian spreads to remain well behaved. The further to the right, the greater the sensitivity; i.e. the more vulnerable they are if BTP spreads blow wider.

Red dots above the horizontal zero bound are currently rich relative to overall macro fair value.
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Europe Equity Sectors Btps
Today, Mario Draghi addresses the Senate; tomorrow the ECB meet. A new Draghi coalition government plus details of a credible anti—fragmentation tool would help assuage market fears about a blow-out in BTP spreads.

If you hold that view, European Chemicals look an interesting prospect. If your fear further political instability ahead, choose between EU Technology (highly sensitive) or Media (rich valuation).

Qi's Optimise Trade Selection function enables you to run this search across a range of assets. Instead of sectors, screen Euro Stoxx 600 single stocks for their sensitivity to BTP spreads. API users can go a step further & screen their own portfolio for shifts in the Italian political landscape.

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