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Macro Markets Insights
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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
Hs 2009 25 Hubble
US Retail
This week we get a clutch of earnings from US retailers (WalMart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Macy’s) plus April Retail Sales data.
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Felix Mittermeier L4 16Dmz 1C Unsplash
Qi Vol Indicator
The Qi Vol Indicator has now risen more than 15 points over the last month. That puts our alternative fear gauge into amber light territory. Back tests show one month increases of 20 points or more have often pre-empted large blow-out spikes in VIX.

As a reminder, the Vol Indicator index shows model confidence (i.e. macro explanatory power) for 6 benchmark instruments across global equity, bond & fx markets.

A rising index number means macro is becoming less influential & markets are increasingly beholden to more transient factors like sentiment, positioning & politics.
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Weightless 60632
Macro Attribution
The latest upgrade to the Qi portal is the addition of model attribution. 

Users now have the ability to identify which macro factors have driven changes in macro-warranted fair value over their chosen time frame. This is available on every model page across all asset classes
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Anna Anikina Ath9Gmakfpe Unsplash
A message from the FX market
Together, yesterday’s moves - lower oil, equities & government bond yields - speak to increased fears of a global growth slowdown. The FX market may be sending a similar signal.
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James Sullivan Eszrbtkq F8 Unsplash
The real estate option
One option for asset allocators in periods of inflation is to invest in real estate. On Qi both US & global real estate are starting to look interesting.
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Cyber threats
“US sent cyber team to Lithuania over Russia hacking threat” was a story on Bloomberg yesterday. It cites reports from the Ukrainian authorities that cyberattacks have increased threefold since the war started compared with the same period a year ago.
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Daoudi Aissa Pe1Ol9Olc4O Unsplash
China upside without Beijing risk
Equity bulls sense a favourable policy shift. Beijing is showing signs of more aggressively supporting the economy & risk appetite. The Fed have seemingly removed the more aggressive 75bp rate hike option.
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Evgeni Tcherkasski Bfbhwj4Qafo Unsplash
Not all defensive bets
are created equal
Fed day. A hawkish outcome is expected. Given beaten up equity market sentiment, tactical players may look for short term upside. However, here we consider efficient bearish bets.
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The S&P500 remains cheap on Qi valuations. Even when the market bounces, Qi’s macro-warranted model value continues to move lower so the Fair Value Gap remains wide.
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Raychel Sanner 0Pswkddfxii Unsplash
China’s stock exchanges remain closed for Labour Day but optimists point to a shift in rhetoric from Beijing as reason to hope policy stimulus can prompt a bounce when they re-open.
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Hs 2009 25 Hubble
US Retail
This week we get a clutch of earnings from US retailers (WalMart, Target, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Macy’s) plus April Retail Sales data.
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At the single stock level the picture is mixed. Walmart, Lowe’s & Home Depot are not in regime – company fundamentals matter more than macro currently.

Target & Macy’s are in regime but the valuation picture differs. The former is marginally above model. The latter has traded below macro-warranted fair value throughout 2022. The gap is currently 0.7 sigma or almost 10% cheap versus prevailing macro conditions.

At the sector level, macro’s influence is strong & rising. XRT model confidence is 78%. In valuation terms, at +0.7 sigma (+9.8%) XRT’s Fair Value Gap is close to 2022 highs.
However, this is not a significant level. Back-tests show a 54% hit rate & small positive average return. Essentially close to coin flipping territory.

Should we get there, selling a FVG of +1.0 sigma is more interesting with a 64% hit rate for an average return of +1.3%.

The drivers of XRT closely mirror those of the S&P500 – bulls want reflation, lower real rates, tighter credit spreads & well behaved risk aversion.

Retail could be an interesting one to watch for those who believe a bear market squeeze provides another selling opportunity.
Felix Mittermeier L4 16Dmz 1C Unsplash
Qi Vol Indicator
The Qi Vol Indicator has now risen more than 15 points over the last month. That puts our alternative fear gauge into amber light territory. Back tests show one month increases of 20 points or more have often pre-empted large blow-out spikes in VIX.

As a reminder, the Vol Indicator index shows model confidence (i.e. macro explanatory power) for 6 benchmark instruments across global equity, bond & fx markets.

A rising index number means macro is becoming less influential & markets are increasingly beholden to more transient factors like sentiment, positioning & politics.
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Qi Vol Indicator
There are two potentially interesting observations to highlight.

Every cycle is different. The Qi Vol Indicator moved ahead of the initial equity sell-off / VIX spike in January. More recently in April / May the two have moved higher together.

But, while VIX is consolidating somewhat, our Vol Indicator seems to be launching a fresh move higher. Should we see a one month increase of 20 or more, the chances of another leg in this “risk off” move could be imminent.

Put differently, to date, the 2022 bear move has felt generally quite orderly. Until this week that is when a sense of panic & capitulation has crept in.

The Qi Vol Indicator could be speaking to that next (potentially last?) & most aggressive phase of the bear move. Eyeballing the chart we are approaching levels which typically mark blow-out tops before reverting lower.
Cyber threats
“US sent cyber team to Lithuania over Russia hacking threat” was a story on Bloomberg yesterday. It cites reports from the Ukrainian authorities that cyberattacks have increased threefold since the war started compared with the same period a year ago.
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Qi has models for two cyber security ETFs that give investors exposure to the theme – HACK, ETFMG’s Prime Cyber Security fund, & BUG from Global X.

Both are in strong macro regimes & both are cheap to macro. In BUG’s case the deficit is over one standard deviation (-7.1% cheap to model).
Bug Etf
The macro regimes are very similar & fairly intuitive for US equities – reflation, healthy risk appetite & tight credit spreads are the top 3 desires for cyber bulls.

That may mean investors who foresee a recession & subsequent “risk off” move will look past any macro-based valuation edge.

As always, use Qi Historical Model Value charts to gauge whether macro conditions are improving or deteriorating. Currently they continue to point south.

But, at these FVGs, some degree of bad macro news is already priced. It is also noticeable that valuation gaps are back to the cheap end of the range that has prevailed since late February when Russia first invaded Ukraine.

For those bullish on the cyber security theme, these look potentially interesting trades to monitor.
The S&P500 remains cheap on Qi valuations. Even when the market bounces, Qi’s macro-warranted model value continues to move lower so the Fair Value Gap remains wide.
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Watching Qi model value for a reversal higher in the S&P500 is probably the single most important chart we are currently watching. See “This time is different”.

In that context the chart below stands out. The DAX future is rich to model for the first time since the end of January.
The valuation gap is small - just +0.3 sigma, +1.7% - but it’s more the fact that it’s even positive when most of its peers show deeply negative FVGs.

Critically, looking at the Historical Model Value chart, macro-warranted fair value continues to trend lower for the DAX just as it does for the S&P500 & most global equity indices.

It could be the market believe the Fed, ECB etc can engineer a soft landing &, as such, Germany represents a decent cyclical bet. With most shunning growth strategies, value plays are a potential beneficiary for some asset allocators.

Looking at model attribution not only do the macro profiles look the same, if anything the DAX is a high beta version of Emini SPX futures. Risk appetite & credit spreads dominate the macro regime for SPX, together accounting for 41% of model value. It’s the same for the DAX except they explain 58% of Qi fair value.

In that context anyone fearful that wider credit spreads & risk off have more legs yet, the current risk-reward on the DAX do not look great.
Raychel Sanner 0Pswkddfxii Unsplash
China’s stock exchanges remain closed for Labour Day but optimists point to a shift in rhetoric from Beijing as reason to hope policy stimulus can prompt a bounce when they re-open.
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The majority of Qi’s China-related models are not in macro regimes currently. Some, like FXI (large cap China ETF) & KWEB (China internet ETF) were in regime but macro lost its explanatory power in March – presumably as politics (strict lockdowns) assumed greater importance.

Others, like Shanghai Comp & Alibaba are either close to our 65% threshold or have model confidence trending higher.

The broader Emerging Market equity ETF EEM (where China is a 30% weight) is in regime & the current patterns show stronger China growth & a weaker Dollar / stronger Yuan both feature as top 10 drivers.

But while low model confidence means Qi valuation signals comes with a health warning, that doesn’t stop us from putting the recent moves in some critical factors into some historical context.
China Eco GrowthUsdcnh
On Now-Casting, weak PMI data has reduced tracking Chinese GDP growth by around 3% (from 7.4% YoY to 4.3% YoY). In Qi z-score terms, this has taken growth 3.5 standard deviations below trend. Levels only surpassed during the initial Covid lockdowns & the Yuan devaluation episode.

Talking of 2015-16, the rally in USDCNH has now taken the cross 4 standard deviations above trend. Levels consistent with the Yuan devaluation. Not new news by any stretch, but essential context. Policy stimulus can only help but it is worth noting the starting point.
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