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Macro Markets Insights
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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
David Moum Nbqlwhovu6K Unsplash
Equity volatility has become an increasingly important driver of Qi’s FX models. The chart below takes all DM & EM currency pairs in macro regime, & shows each cross’s sensitivity to VIX versus its overall macro valuation.

Holding every other factor constant, FX pairs to the left (right) of the vertical bound rally when VIX falls (rises). Red (green) dots mean that cross is rich (cheap) versus its macro environment.
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Reid Zura Rijrunzf8Nc Unsplash
Crowded longs
There are estimates that the average US equity long/short fund is down just over 4% year-to-date. However, the same source* puts crowded longs down 12.5% YTD – the worst start since 2010.
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Weightless 60632
Qi portal upgrade
- new download function
To help integrate Qi’s unique macro data into your investment process, we have added a new feature. One year’s history of model data is now available to be downloaded into excel.

Each Qi model contains a number of core outputs:
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Nasa Hi5Dx2Obas Unsplash
Value vs. Growth
- the global perspective
The outperformance of Value vs Growth in 2022 has not been an exclusively US phenomenon. In fact, the move has been more acute in other developed equity markets.
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Jeremy Thomas E0Ahdsenmdg Unsplash
Small caps. Big opportunity?
While the implosion in tech tends to steals all the bearish headlines, the Russell 2000 year-to-date performance is equally bad. Moreover, a “death cross” chart pattern (50day MA falling below the 200day MA) adds to the sense of doom.
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Zbynek Burival Grmwvnvssdu Unsplash
Crude oil to a $100!
The crude oil bulls are back with forecasts being ratcheted higher. Political risks such as a potential Russian invasion of Ukraine are a tail risk on top of surging demand, fading Omicron fears & OPEC+’s inability to agree supply increases.
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Aaron Burden Nxt5Prob 7U Unsplash
Factor Watch
- the US business cycle
The weak economic data at the end of last week has had a material impact on the US growth outlook.

Now-Casting’s tracking Qi GDP growth for the US has fallen to 1.9%. Their number is lower than peers like the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow, but the profile is the same; & note the Citi Economic Data Surprise index has also turned negative.
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Lucas Sankey Gdq Az6Cspo Unsplash
RETINA™ - buy the Dollar dip
RETINA™ has four new bullish valuation signals on the US Dollar.
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Paul Skorupskas 7Kla Xlbsxa Unsplash
One for the value bulls
- the European consumer
STR, the SPDR ETF that tracks MSCI’s European Consumer Discretionary sector, is now 1.2 sigma or 3.1% cheap to the broader Stoxx 600 on Qi.

It has only been cheaper to macro fair value once before in the last 12months – last summer in the immediate aftermath of Beijing’s “common prosperity” push which hurt European luxury brands.

It could be China related once again. Chinese tracking GDP growth is the biggest single driver.

But critically overall macro-warranted fair value is not deteriorating. In contrast to the recent fall in spot, the red line below is flat-lining. RETINA™ is flagging that this latest underperformance is now starting to divorce itself from the broader macro environment.
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Jake Weirick 09Bqxnvo7Eu Unsplash
Stress testing a
Chinese hard landing
Increasingly financial markets are looking beyond the Omicron threat. China, & its Zero Covid policy stance, presents a clear risk to that sanguine outlook.
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Reid Zura Rijrunzf8Nc Unsplash
Crowded longs
There are estimates that the average US equity long/short fund is down just over 4% year-to-date. However, the same source* puts crowded longs down 12.5% YTD – the worst start since 2010.
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GVIP is an ETF that tracks the top stock picks of blue chip Hedge Funds. At the end of 2021 the fund factsheet suggested the “very important positions” had a tech heavy skew. Today, the long positions seem split across asset managers, banks, energy as well as tech.

It is, first-&-foremost, a bottom up stock picking strategy. But while holdings are selected according to company fundamentals, macro has become increasingly important. Qi’s GVIP model confidence is now 65% - it is back in a macro regime.

The valuation gap is at an extreme. GVIP is 2.7 sigma, 8.6% cheap to the macro environment. Critically though model fair value is trending lower. The prevailing macro conditions are deteriorating, it is just that spot has moved lower at a quicker pace.
The new regime has a distinct Goldilocks feel – reflation, easy monetary policy, healthy risk appetite. Given the Fed’s hawkish pivot in 2022, that explains the move lower in both spot & model value. The good news for the optimists is a lot of bad news is now priced.

But, as always, Qi would prefer to wait for macro-warranted model value to bottom out & inflect higher before taking advantage of the FVG signal.

* Source: Morgan Stanley Prime Brokerage
Weightless 60632
Qi portal upgrade
- new download function
To help integrate Qi’s unique macro data into your investment process, we have added a new feature. One year’s history of model data is now available to be downloaded into excel.

Each Qi model contains a number of core outputs:
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  • Macro-warranted model value
  • Macro model confidence
  • Fair Value Gap
  • Factor sensitivities
All of this information can now be downloaded into an excel file, thereby enabling clients to take the data & add into their own analysis.
  • To help finesse trade timing, PMs can overlay Qi FVGs with technical analysis or any in-house proprietary investment scoring systems.
  • Stock pickers can utilise macro model confidence to gauge when single stocks are being driven by bottom-up company fundamentals, or the broader macro environment.
  • All investors can pull in historical factor sensitivities to monitor changes in factor leadership.
  • Fund marketers can use Qi data / charts in IR reports & pitch decks. Being seen to embrace best-in-class quantemental techniques can only help the asset gathering process!
Qi Download
On each model page, simply click on “Manage Model” in the top right hand corner to access 1 year’s history of Qi’s macro datasets.

Qi’s data starts in January 2009 – a full history is available via the Qi API.
Aaron Burden Nxt5Prob 7U Unsplash
Factor Watch
- the US business cycle
The weak economic data at the end of last week has had a material impact on the US growth outlook.

Now-Casting’s tracking Qi GDP growth for the US has fallen to 1.9%. Their number is lower than peers like the Atlanta Fed's GDPNow, but the profile is the same; & note the Citi Economic Data Surprise index has also turned negative.
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Qi looks at all factors in z-score terms & Friday’s Retail Sales / Industrial Production miss has prompted a sharp move lower. Growth had already slipped below trend but is now accelerating lower.

Many economic forecasters have a growth slowdown pencilled in for 2022 but, for most, that’s a Q2 event. The deceleration appears to be unfolding earlier & more aggressively.
At the same time the early 2022 bear move in bond markets has picked up renewed momentum.

Qi had already flagged the significance of this, but now the move in 10y US real yields, from local low to recent high, is a 3 standard deviation event. It is also the sixth biggest spike in real yields in z-score terms since 2009.
There is already a huge volume of analysis in mainstream media about this real rate move. Does it reflect an improving economic outlook, or a tightening of financial conditions? Are real yields the key determinant of speculative technology stocks & the broader Growth versus Value rotation?
One observation to the first point. The graph above shows US inflation expectations in z-score terms. After the Q4’21 inflation shock, expectations have reverted close to trend. As always there is a level versus rate of change argument: real yields are still deeply negative.

But, in impulse terms & on current patterns, these charts err towards tighter financial conditions into a slower economic cycle.

In terms of the implications for asset allocations, investors have two options. Read volumes of traditional research to reach a conclusion based exclusively on subjective opinions.

Or, add Qi’s machine-learning framework into your process to identify which stocks / sectors / assets have a positive relationship with real yields - independent of all other macro variables - versus those that suffer when real rates leg higher.
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