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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
Hs 2009 25 Hubble
Inflation & US equities
Ahead of tomorrow’s US CPI report it is worth noting just how relaxed the inflation market is. Qi uses inflation swaps in z-score terms to capture expectations for the next 2, 5 & 10 years. The chart below shows 5y expectations.
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More downside for spec tech?
The chart below shows the spot price of IGV, the iShares ETF for US software, versus Qi’s macro model value.

After a 2 month down trade, IGV has been consolidating at recent lows. Some may hope a bottom is being formed. Macro conditions, however, have deteriorated sharply again. That’s prompted a bearish divergence pattern on RETINA™.
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Juskteez Vu Tirxot28Znc Unsplash
A pivotal week for Europe
Last week’s hawkish pivot from the ECB produced a material tightening of European financial conditions.
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Raychel Sanner Mnnxmvs4Cqo Unsplash
Policy mistakes go global?
The week started with some dovish soundbites from Fed Governors keen to reduce market pricing for more extreme policy tightening scenarios. It’s ending with the ECB undergoing its own hawkish pivot, & the BoE fuelling speculation that its rate hiking path could accelerate.
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Guillaume Perigois 0Nrkvdda2Fw Unsplash
ECB & the Euro
- a roadmap
The ECB meet tomorrow. Despite President Lagarde’s repeated rejections of a hawkish policy shift, the money market is pricing rate hikes by December.
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Emerging Market Equities
After a poor 2021, EM equities have enjoyed a decent start to the new year.

In some cases that bounce is starting to look a little extended.
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Nasa Scbkw9Akgca Unsplash
Fade UK outperformance
After years of lagging its peers, the FTSE 100 has enjoyed a relatively strong start to 2022.

For believers in Value over Growth, the UK with its heavy skew to cyclicals like miners, banks & energy companies offers plenty of catch up potential.
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Casey Horner Rmowqdcqn2E Unsplash
A new macro regime
for US equities?
After a volatile start to the year, macro could be on the verge of re-establishing itself as the primary driver of US equity markets.
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Javier Allegue Barros 0Nop5Ihvaz8 Unsplash
The Fed's path of pain
After last night’s Fed there are arguably just two things to watch.
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Credit impulse re-visited
FOMC day. One question markets will be pondering in the wake of the equity sell-off, is to what degree have markets done some of the Fed’s work for them by tightening US financial conditions?
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Juskteez Vu Tirxot28Znc Unsplash
A pivotal week for Europe
Last week’s hawkish pivot from the ECB produced a material tightening of European financial conditions.
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The chart below can be found on the Qi home page. It shows the 10 biggest moves in macro factors over the last week. Today’s snapshot show six of last week’s top ten factor shifts originated in Europe.

All show European financial conditions moving tighter. All are at least one standard deviation moves, & in some cases significantly bigger.
Macro Factor Moves
The ECB council meeting opened the door to earlier rate hikes. That re-pricing of rate expectations moved real rates & the Euro higher, widened peripheral bond spreads & caused credit spreads to widen. The sharp flattening of the yield curve suggests market fears about policy tightening into a growth slowdown risks a hard landing.

Typically that would be perceived as negative for risky assets. The one, partial consolation is that, to a degree, that scenario has been priced.

The Euro Stoxx 600 is currently 0.8 sigma (2.4%) cheap to macro model value. Not a huge Fair Value Gap but towards the cheap end of recent ranges. Ditto the Euro. It is rich versus every other G10 currency on Qi. Modestly so on the whole – around one sigma.
Emerging Market Equities
After a poor 2021, EM equities have enjoyed a decent start to the new year.

In some cases that bounce is starting to look a little extended.
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Both Brazil & South Africa are rich to macro. The iShares ETF for MSCI Brazil EWZ is now 1.3 sigma (18.4%) rich; the equivalent ETF for South Africa EZA is 1.7 sigma (7.4%) above model.
Brazil Ewz
The macro regimes are similar - a desire for global reflation, higher commodities & a weaker US Dollar. One distinction is that, on current patterns, Brazil is relatively indifferent to risk aversion metrics like VIX; whereas South Africa is reliant on the fear gauge behaving itself.

These are significant valuation levels. Back-testing today’s FVG as sell signals since 2009 reveals a 63% hit rate & +3.1% average return for EWZ; a 67% hit rate & +10.5% average return for EZA.

The other standout is Russia. While geopolitical risks clearly dominate it is worth noting the sharp rise in macro’s explanatory power recently. ERUS model confidence has risen 70% in 2mths; RSX confidence is up 66%. Both are now in strong macro regimes.

Both are close to fair value. Having been very cheap to model, the recent rally has taken Russian equities back in line with macro fundamentals. Armed conflict & sanctions pose a clear risk but the macro environment is also playing an increasingly assertive role.
Javier Allegue Barros 0Nop5Ihvaz8 Unsplash
The Fed's path of pain
After last night’s Fed there are arguably just two things to watch.
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If you fear tightening monetary policy into an economic slowdown means the Fed risk stalling growth & causing an even bigger shock for risky assets, then an inverted yield curve & widening in credit spreads are two of the key flash points for markets.

Qi has two models for US High Yield credit – CDX spreads & the tracking ETF HYG. Both screen as cheap to macro but the critical observation is that model value is deteriorating.

Both show US HY as 0.8 sigma below model. That’s a modest valuation gap in actual terms – HYG is 0.7% cheap, CDX spreads 13bp too wide.

More important is the red line in the chart below. Given where all the macro factors are, fair value for HYG (CDX spreads) continues to trend lower (wider). This will be a critical chart to track in 2022.
Us Hyg
Moreover, Qi’s unique factor sensitivity analysis means you can also track where moves in US High Yield spreads will spill over into other asset classes.

For example, amongst global equities Brazil EWZ is the most reliant on tight credit spreads, while Indonesia EIDO offers a relative safe haven given current patterns show it’s okay with wider credit.

Note EWZ is 12.7% rich to macro; EIDO 4.2% cheap. For those nervous about US credit markets, re-allocating from Brazil to Indonesia warrants further investigation.
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