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Macro Markets Insights
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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
Sunil Ray Aqprqg Ji3C Unsplash
Prisoners of Geography
It is no surprise that the Russian MOEX is the standout in our watchlist of Global Equity indices. The conflict has taken it 5.2 standard deviations below macro fair value.

But otherwise the striking feature in the list below is the split between Developed & Emerging markets. The 10 markets cheapest to macro are all DM, mainly European.

Presumably reflecting where the armed conflict is taking place, & a snap reaction from markets based on which Western economies potentially suffer from sanctions almost as much as their Russian targets.
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Felix Mittermeier L4 16Dmz 1C Unsplash
Contrarianism in US Tech
Bernstein’s upgrade of AMD to a buy is interesting. There was no change in the basic story, or revision higher in their price target. It is simply that the sell-off now leaves it oversold in their eyes.
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The European 'risk off' trade
The latest Russian headlines have prompted a significant spike in German equity volatility.

The chart provides some historical context. VDAX is now 4 standard deviations above trend – a level only surpassed on a handful of occasions including the initial Covid lockdowns in March 2020, the 2018 Powell ‘policy error’ & the EuroZone sovereign debt crisis.
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Orion Nebula 11107 1920
SPY, QQQ, IWM - a roadmap
SPY is now 0.7 sigma (2.7%) cheap to Qi macro model value. That’s not an extreme - the Jan 27th low was a 1.4 sigma (5.9%) valuation gap. The late January puke aside though, this is close to the bottom end of the Fair Value Gap range over the last 12 months.
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Ferenc Horvath Skcfibu91Aa Unsplash
Smart Beta meets Macro
- cheap downside protection
Given all the uncertainty around the Fed’s March rate hike & Russia / Ukraine, prudent equity investors will be on the look out for cheap defensive hedges.
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Raychel Sanner Mnnxmvs4Cqo Unsplash
The eye of the storm
Sometimes the hardest part of investing, is doing nothing.

One of the more striking features looking across asset classes on Qi is how close to home so many models are. Qi’s Valuation Gaps are negligible in the majority of cases.
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Anna Anikina Ath9Gmakfpe Unsplash
XME - a lot of good news priced
There are several good reasons to be constructive on metal & mining stocks given the re-opening of the global economy & the bull market in commodities.

However, from a macro perspective, & at the sector level at least, XME is starting to look fully priced.

The chart shows US sector ETFs relative to each other & SPY. Each cell captures Qi’s Fair Value Gap in sigma terms. That FVG number needs to be black to be in regime; & then the colour captures the degree of richness (shades of red) or cheapness (green).
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The best safe haven hedge?
The watchlist below shows different potential safe havens for investors to consider as Russia / Ukraine fears escalate.

The list is not exhaustive – watchlists can be customised to display users preferred flight to quality plays. But, from a macro perspective the Swiss Franc looks the most efficient haven currently.

Both EURCHF & NZDCHF are in macro regimes & both show the Franc as cheap to model.
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Hannah Busing 0V6Dmtujaik Unsplash
The best Value vs. Growth trade?
US Small Caps.
With bond yields marching higher once again, several playbooks will immediately reach for Value vs Growth ideas.
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Hans Eiskonen Wn57Csq7Vzi Unsplash
The Commodity Super Cycle
The bull market in commodities has gained fresh legs. Qi’s Commodity Super Cycle watchlist includes a range of different ways investors can try & capture the move – commodities themselves, commodity currencies, ETFs plus resource stocks.
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Sunil Ray Aqprqg Ji3C Unsplash
Prisoners of Geography
It is no surprise that the Russian MOEX is the standout in our watchlist of Global Equity indices. The conflict has taken it 5.2 standard deviations below macro fair value.

But otherwise the striking feature in the list below is the split between Developed & Emerging markets. The 10 markets cheapest to macro are all DM, mainly European.

Presumably reflecting where the armed conflict is taking place, & a snap reaction from markets based on which Western economies potentially suffer from sanctions almost as much as their Russian targets.
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Global Equity Indices
The 10 richest models have a strong EM bias. South Africa EZA & Brazil could represent their status as commodity plays. Note macro model value is moving sideways rather than trending lower.

The three rich DM markets include Singapore EWS & South Korea EWY where presumably geographical distance helps.

Greece is not in regime but, to date, macro model value had not been declining. Mainly because it’s less reliant on low VIX versus other EU indices, & the fact it’s comfortable with rising real rates.

This is not to advocate new longs or shorts during incredibly uncertain times. But it does provide a framework to consider where, in macro terms, markets have moved to discount events in Ukraine. Strikingly, certain EM plays, & in the US small rather than large caps, are seemingly regarded as the safer place to hide.
The European 'risk off' trade
The latest Russian headlines have prompted a significant spike in German equity volatility.

The chart provides some historical context. VDAX is now 4 standard deviations above trend – a level only surpassed on a handful of occasions including the initial Covid lockdowns in March 2020, the 2018 Powell ‘policy error’ & the EuroZone sovereign debt crisis.
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Qi’s Optimise Trade Selection function suggests the European sector most vulnerable to spikes in risk aversion is Travel & Leisure. On current patterns, it is the only sector which falls by over 1% for a one standard deviation increase in European equity vol.

With a valuation gap of +0.5 sigma (+3.5%) EU Travel & Leisure is also slightly rich to macro. While it is true that the FVG was 1.6 sigma, +11.3% just a week ago, it is also striking that it is the only sector with a rich valuation on Qi metrics.

The critical point is that macro-warranted fair value appears to be heading lower. With risk aversion alone accounting for 30% of model value, further geopolitical stress means the sector is the one most susceptible to macro fair value deteriorating still further.
Ferenc Horvath Skcfibu91Aa Unsplash
Smart Beta meets Macro
- cheap downside protection
Given all the uncertainty around the Fed’s March rate hike & Russia / Ukraine, prudent equity investors will be on the look out for cheap defensive hedges.
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Low Vol plays are often seen as an integral part of a smart beta approach. The constituents of ETFs such as iShares’ USMV are typically cash flow positive, have healthy balance sheets & together they are seen as a defensive strategy that outperforms during drawdowns.

USMV’s profile is similar to several of Qi’s equity models. Recently back into regime (model confidence up 42% over the last month to 70% now) with a driver mix that shows a desire for reflation, low risk aversion, tight credit spreads & low real yields.
What is noticeable with US Min Vol though is the recent move lower has diverged from macro fair value – the red line above which is tracking sideways. That divergence has opened up a -0.75 sigma (-2.2%) Fair Value Gap.

That FVG, whilst not extreme, is getting towards the wide end of recent ranges. In fact, USMV has only been in regime & this cheap to model 13 times since January 2009. The hit rate on that as a buy signal is 84.6% for an average return of +2.4%.

History never repeats. But, aligned with Qi’s framework, it does generate interesting hedging ideas for the age old dilemma of how to find cheap downside protection for your asset allocation mix.
Hans Eiskonen Wn57Csq7Vzi Unsplash
The Commodity Super Cycle
The bull market in commodities has gained fresh legs. Qi’s Commodity Super Cycle watchlist includes a range of different ways investors can try & capture the move – commodities themselves, commodity currencies, ETFs plus resource stocks.
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Relative to the broad macro environment, which commodity play is lagging the recent bull move? Which has already priced in a lot of the good news?
Cmdty Super Cycle
AUDUSD is 0.5 sigma (1.4%) below macro fair value. Not a huge valuation gap but unsurprisingly iron ore & copper rank amongst the top positive drivers. VIX & risk aversion is the other big driver so, for those who believe in commodity upside & “risk on”, Aussie offers a slightly cheap entry level.

Chilean miner Antofagasta has had its fair share of negative headlines of late - issues around water rights & pressure from environmental groups. Those idiosyncratic risks have resulted in the stock price lagging versus the macro environment. The stock is now one sigma (7.7%) cheap to model fair value.

Conversely, Copper & global copper miners COPX lie at the rich end of valuations. While they have moved ahead of fair value, model value is trending higher, it is simply that they have moved quicker than macro fundamentals. That suggests it is not yet a trade to fade; rather, from a macro view point, it is the least attractive to be chasing here, even for commodity bulls.
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