Qi Market Spotlight

Be Careful What You Wish For Fed Rate Cuts a Drag for Cyclicals

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

The market is trying to force the Fed’s hand: Markets have shifted from expecting 1 rate cut over the next 12mths in January to now pricing in 3, signalling pessimism on growth.

Rising Fed rate cuts a key macro factor drag through this pullback: Qi’s Risk Model highlights that shifting Fed rate expectations have been a key driver of market underperformance, particularly for cyclical sectors like Technology and Consumer Discretionary.

So where to from here? If you believe the front end of the curve is well-priced, cyclicals can steady BUT the model suggests still fade the rallies: Powell this week will need to reassure. Qi’s Risk Forecast for the S&P500 is on the rise (+1.3 SD above 50d mean, implying rising fear); however, a strong rebound requires a deeper dislocation.


FOMC this week – Fed in a difficult position: While the outlook is becoming more murky on business investment, jobs growth and consumer spending, the Fed has little choice but to sit on its hands and hope the tariff clouds clear. On the other side of the Fed mandate, core PCE has been above 3% for almost 4 years.

Market pricing 3 Fed rate cuts over the next year vs. only 1 back in mid-Jan: Reflecting the pessimism on the growth outlook. Many now believe it is no longer if the labour market will sour, but when.

Why does this matter?

Qi’s Risk Model shows Fed rate expectations have been a major market drag: Qi’s Risk Model is comprised of 12 macro factors of which Fed rate expectations is one. This is defined as the difference between the 1y1y forward yield and the spot 1y yield. This effectively captures what money markets are discounting in terms of policy rates in the next 12 months, i.e. whether the Fed is hiking or cutting rates & at what speed. The chart below shows this factor vs. the performance of cyclical vs. defensives in recent months.

A graph on a black backgroundAI-generated content may be incorrect.

Through this pullback, macro has been OFFSIDE across cyclical sectors – notably Technology and Consumer Discretionary: The below chart attributes the performance of the SP500 stocks by sector (19-Feb to 14-Mar) into where macro has been offside (a drag pulling spot returns lower) or onside (a propeller pulling spot returns higher); similarly where idiosyncratic drivers (i.e. ex-macro) has been offside or onside. The % split by sector through this pullback is shown below.

A graph of a graph with textAI-generated content may be incorrect.

The focus of the macro drag has been growth, captured by accelerating Fed rate cuts: At the heart of Qi’s Risk Model is the determination of stock factor exposures. No surprise that cyclicals would like higher metals, tighter HY credit spreads and lower risk aversion. However, aside from those risk barometers, they need confidence in the near-term outlook i.e. fewer rate cuts being priced. In contrast, more defensive sectors are happy with lower real rates, a weaker dollar and more Fed cuts. Below, we show the top 3 macro upside drivers by sector.

A chart of different types of numbersAI-generated content may be incorrect.

Technology, Industrials and Consumer Discretionary most sensitive to the drag from Fed rate cuts: The below chart shows the sensitivity by sector to this factor.

A graph of a graph with blue squaresAI-generated content may be incorrect.

At the stock level, we screen the top 30 who want to see few Fed rate cuts: The top 30 is dominated by the above cited sectors – Tesla, Caesars Entertainment, Parker Hannifin etc. The full list is available on request.

A list of companies that are in a companyAI-generated content may be incorrect.

So where to from here? If rate cut expectations can steady, cyclicals can steady BUT the model suggests to still fade the rallies: Qi’s Risk Forecast for the S&P500 is on the rise – specifically, we show below the deviation of that forecast from its 50d mean – currently +1.3 standard deviations. However, there is scope for this to move higher. If Fed rate cut expectations can steady, US cyclicals can steady. However, a more powerful rebound is likely only when our indicator below is more stretched. The tricky mix of top-down headwinds (policy uncertainty) and bottom-up headwinds (what PE for US Tech now?) will not go away easily. We would still be fading the rallies for now.

A graph with blue linesAI-generated content may be incorrect.


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