Terms and Conditions


By using any service/product/content developed by QuantInsight Limited (“Qi” or “We”) and delivered through the Qiwebsite or over email or any other delivery mode on which theseTerms and Conditions appear (each, a “Service” or collectively,“Services”), you the recipient ofthe Service (“You” orthe“Recipient” hereafter), agree to be bound by allthe terms in theseTerms and Conditions. You may wish to print and keep a copy ofthese Terms and Conditions. We may change the terms in theseTerms and Conditions at any time and such changes will bebinding on You if You continue to use a Service after we havenotified You (by email, on a Service, or by any other means bywhich You obtain such notice)that we have changed the terms.Therefore, You should review these Terms and Conditions eachtime we notify You that we have changed the terms. Qi maydiscontinue or change any Service, or its availability to You, at anytime. These Terms and Conditions are personalto You, and Youmay not delegate Your obligations underthem to anyone. If anyprovision in these Terms and Conditions is invalid orunenforceable under applicable law,the remaining provisions willcontinue in fullforce and effect.These Terms and Conditions, Your obligations, and all actionscontemplated by these Terms and Conditions shall be governedby the laws of England and Wales, as ifthese Terms andConditions were a contract wholly entered into and whollyperformed within England and Wales.By using a Service, You represent, warrant and covenantthat You(if You are an individual) are atleast18 years of age, can formlegally binding contracts, and (if applicable) are the authorizedrepresentative ofthe entity thatis agreeing to these Terms andConditions. The Services are not designed for use by individualsunder18 years of age and use by such individuals is notpermitted. You agree to keep Your login details private and nottoshare Your user ID with anybody else.Hyperlinks: Forthe direct or indirectlinks to external websites("hyperlinks"), which lie outside our control, Qi disclaims anyresponsibility, or liability as to such content. Qi expresslydeclares that no illegal content was identified on the linkedpages atthe time of setting the links and Qi has no influence onthe design, content, or authorship ofthe linked pages.Data Protection: All personal user data collected here will only bestored and used forthe purpose of providing user products andservices. Qi guarantees thatthis data will be handled in aconfidential manner, in conformity with Qi’s Privacy Policy.LIMITATIONS ON USEThe content available through each Service is the property of Qiand is protected by intellectual property laws. Such content mayinclude,for example, studies, analyses, stories,tools, calculators,and other items displayed on the Service. Contentreceivedthrough a Service may be displayed, reformatted, and printed forYour personal, non-commercial use only. You agree nottoreproduce, retransmit, distribute, disseminate, sell, publish,broadcast or circulate the contentreceived through a Service toanyone, including but notlimited to others in the same companyor organization, withoutthe express prior written consent of Qi,with this one exception: You may, on an occasional and irregularbasis, disseminate a minor amount of contentfrom a Service for aresearch purpose, without charge,to a small number ofindividuals, provided You include all proprietary rights noticeswith such portion ofthe contentin the same form in which thenotices appear on the Service, original source attribution, and thephrase “Used with permission from Qi.” You may not post anycontentfrom any Service to newsgroups, mail lists or electronicbulletin boards withoutthe prior written consent of Qi. You maynot use any ofthe data on a Service in connection with theissuance,trading, marketing or promotion ofinvestmentproducts (e.g., derivatives, structured products, investmentfunds, investment portfolios, etc., where the price, return and/orperformance ofthe investment productis based on or related toHome Solutions Insights Newsroom People Contact Login Request a demo12/03/2025, 16:20 Terms and conditions | Quant Insight Ltdhttps://quant-insight.com/legal/terms-and-conditions/ 1/3our data), nor may You use such data as the basis of a financialinstrument, without a separate written agreement with Qi and anyof our applicable Licensors. Except as may be permitted above,You agree notto copy, modify, reformat, download, store,reproduce, reprocess,transmit or redistribute any data orinformation found on any Service or use any such data orinformation in a commercial enterprise without obtaining ourprior written consent.Research Use OnlyThe content on each Service is provided for informational andresearch purposes only, as of as ofthe date and time provided,and is subjectto change without notice. Service contentis notintended to be an offer, orthe solicitation of any offer,to buy orsell any investment productincluding but notlimited tosecurities. Service content, including any information regardingthe pricing of, orfactors affecting, any currencies, securities,indices,financial instruments, or any other assets whatsoever,should not be construed as any kind of advice, recommendationor solicitation which may be relied on in relation to any purchaseor sale of any security, product or investment of any kind or anyinvestment decision or strategy. The service content does nottake into accountthe individual circumstances, objectives orneeds of any person and does not constitute any kind ofrepresentation that any financial instrumentis suitable orappropriate for any person. To the extentthatthe service contentcontains any opinion as to the pricing of, orfactors affecting, anyinstrument or investment of any kind, it should be notedspecifically that: (1) such opinion will have been formed on thebasis ofinformation made available to Qi by third parties,theaccuracy of which is outside Qi's control, has not beenindependently verified, and as to which Qi accepts noresponsibility or liability; (2) such opinion may already be out-ofdate when viewed by the recipient. Qi accepts no responsibilityto update the Information at any time, even in relation to materialfacts known to Qi; (3) such opinion will have been formed only onthe basis ofthe consideration of certain factors which may affectvalue and not all potentialfactors. The non-exhaustive nature ofpotentialfactors therefore could have a significant adverseimpact on value ifthere are materialfactors which have not beenconsidered. In particular,the performance of any investment maybe affected by micro factors related to thatinvestment which arecompletely unknown to Qi and will not have been taken intoaccountin relation to any opinion that may be expressed; (4) suchopinion will have been formed on the basis of historic macrofactors and projections offuture performance by reference tohistoric factors. In practice, past movements and factors may notconstitute a reliable indicator offuture performance; and (5)changes in interest and currency exchange rates can also causethe value of an investmentto fluctuate.No Reverse EngineeringThe systems used by Qito provide a Service are confidential,including but notlimited to the computer hardware and softwarethe Service runs on. Any system for a Service provided by Qi shallnot be analysed, decompiled, or reverse engineered, nor shouldYou cause a third party to analyse, decompile, or reverseengineerthe same for any purpose.DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY AND WARRANTIESQi AND ITS AFFILIATES, AGENTS AND LICENSORS SHALL NOTBELIABLE TO THE RECIPIENT OR ANYONE ELSE FOR DAMAGES OFANY KIND (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS ORDATA, DIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL,INDIRECT, OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES) FROM THE RECIPIENT USEOF A SERVICE EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCHDAMAGES AND REGARDLESS OF THE CAUSE OF ACTION. TOTHE EXTENT SUCH DISCLAIMER OF DAMAGES IS NOT EFFECTIVEUNDER APPLICABLE LAW, THE ENTIRE AGGREGATE LIABILITY TOTHE RECIPIENT OF Qi, ITS AFFILIATES, AGENTS OR LICENSORSWILLBE LIMITED TO THE FEES, IF ANY, THE RECIPIENT PAID TO QiFOR ACCESS TO THE SERVICE THAT GAVE RISE TO SUCHLIABILITY.EACH SERVICE AND ALL SERVICE CONTENT ISPROVIDED “AS IS” AND Qi AND ITS AFFILIATES, AGENTS ANDLICENSORS DISCLAIM ALL EXPRESS AND IMPLIED WARRANTIESWITH RESPECT TO THE SERVICE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO THE MERCHANT ABILITY, FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULARPURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY SERVICE CONTENT,OR THAT A SERVICE WILLBE AVAILABLE, FREE FROM ERRORS,Home Solutions Insights Newsroom People Contact Login Request a demo12/03/2025, 16:20 Terms and conditions | Quant Insight Ltdhttps://quant-insight.com/legal/terms-and-conditions/ 2/3VIRUSES OR OTHER HARMFUL COMPONENTS. ANY CONTENT QiAND ITS AFFILIATES, AGENTS AND LICENSORS PROVIDE IS TO BEUSED BY RECIPIENTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLELAWS, AND THE RECIPIENTS WILLBE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FORANY CONSEQUENCES DERIVED FROM ANY USE OF CONTENTINCLUDING,BUT NOT LIMITED TO, USE THAT RESULTS IN TORTOR CRIMINAL LIABILITY.The Recipient agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Qi,its subsidiaries and affiliates, its officers, directors, employeesand agents from any claim, cost, expense, judgment, or otherloss relating to Your use ofthe Service, withoutlimitation oftheforegoing, any action You take which is in violation ofthe termsand conditions ofthis Imprint and “terms of use”. The failure of Qito exercise or enforce any right or provision ofthese terms shallnot constitute a waiver of such right or provision.Jurisdiction and Applicable LawAny disputes related to the access and use ofthe service shall begoverned by and interpreted in accordance with the Laws ofEngland and Wales.If You have any questions aboutthese Terms and Conditions,please contact us.