Multi Asset Traders

Improve execution with real-time, hassle-free notifications that help you buy and sell at the right price by leveraging precise valuation benchmarks across multiple asset classes.


Execute with confidence using real-time valuation signals

Execution timing dramatically impacts investment returns, yet traditional valuation models operate in asset-class silos. Our cross-asset valuation benchmarks span 18,000+ securities globally, providing precise entry and exit levels based on macro fair value calculations. These real-time insights help you identify tactical opportunities, optimize execution timing, and avoid unfavorable price points driven by temporary dislocations, ultimately improving your overall implementation efficiency.

Our Solutions

Macro Factor Risk for Equities
Macro Factor Risk for Equities

Macro factors increasingly challenge equity investors' ability to generate alpha, yet remain hard to quantify. Our solution is fine tuned for global equities and compliments traditional style factor models to tackle this critical driver of performance.

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Macro Valuation
Macro Valuation

A robust cross-asset, valuation engine to identify dislocations, between macro information and price.

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Portfolio Construction
Portfolio Construction

Enables investors to identify macro regimes and build portfolios resilient to macroeconomic shifts.

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