Decode the Macro DNA in Your Equity Portfolio
Macro factors increasingly challenge equity investors' ability to generate alpha, yet remain difficult to quantify. Our MFERM solution links daily stock returns to macro factor movements, providing unprecedented clarity on hidden exposures. By orthogonalizing highly correlated factors, we deliver clearer insights into economic growth, inflation, and other key drivers affecting your portfolio. This comprehensive approach allows investors to separate macro from idiosyncratic influences, transforming complex relationships into actionable intelligence.

Full Portfolio Macro Risk Analysis
Macro factors such as real GDP, inflation, real and nominal rates are increasingly impacting indices stocks and sectors. Traditional equity style factors and thematics are also being impacted by the macro environment. Fund managers, investors and allocators now require a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of these dynamics.
Portfolio return attribution breakdown
Run your portfolio through MFERM and gain a comprehensive view of your performance attribution across macro / non-macro factors, view portfolio macro factor exposures, calculate overall portfolio risk / predicted volatility, see how each macro factor contributes to your total risk and identify / rank stocks that have the highest exposures to any macro factor.

Comprehensive Exposure Analysis
Identify previously hidden macro factor exposures across individual stocks and entire portfolios that traditional factor models miss.
Enhanced Risk Attribution
Precisely decompose portfolio risk into specific macro and non-macro components, providing clear visibility into what's actually driving volatility.
Performance Clarity
Understand which macro factors are contributing to or detracting from returns, enabling more informed investment decisions and better client reporting.
Forward-Looking Risk Management
Anticipate portfolio vulnerabilities to macro regime shifts with accurate forecasting of factor sensitivities before they impact performance.

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