Portfolio Construction

Enables investors to identify macro regimes and build portfolios resilient to macroeconomic shifts.


Beyond Factor Neutral: Building Truly Macro-Aware Portfolios

Traditional factor-neutral portfolios are not truly macro-neutral. Our Portfolio Construction solution creates stronger, more resilient portfolios by providing deeper awareness of macro impacts that conventional methods miss. We enable you to eliminate unwanted macro tilts or strategically add exposures that align with your market views. This approach brings intentionality to macro positioning, turning what was once an unmanaged risk into a deliberate portfolio decision.


Dissect & diagnose your investment thesis

Reveal the implicit macro bets you don’t have an edge in, and in turn, isolate and limit that exposure. The presumption is that a long / short pair from that same industry has removed other factor bets such as market direction, region and style. However, each stock can have quite different exposures to the overall macro environment. Indeed, these exposures can be compared to any benchmark.

Stress testing

Stress tests are designed to examine the potential impact of a macro scenario playing out. A very common method for designing stress scenarios is to draw from historical events. Alternatively, the user can specify the scenario. In both cases, since macro factors often move together, it is important to account for their correlations when designing realistic stress scenarios. To facilitate this, we leverage our factor covariance matrix.

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True Macro Neutrality

Eliminate unwanted macro tilts that remain hidden in traditional factor-neutral approaches, reducing unexpected drawdowns during market stress.

Strategic Macro Positioning

Intentionally align portfolios with your macro views by adding precisely calibrated factor exposures that capitalize on your insights.

Enhanced Diversification

Identify and mitigate shared macro sensitivities across seemingly unrelated positions that could lead to correlation spikes.

Regime-Aware Allocation

Build more resilient portfolios specifically designed to withstand or capitalize on anticipated macroeconomic shifts like inflation surges or growth slowdowns.

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