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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
David Edelstein N4Dbvtudikw Unsplash
Japanese exceptionalism
Most Yen crosses fell out of regime a few months back. Model confidence on USDJPY for example is just 10%. Previous macro patterns are not doing a good job of explaining current price action.
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Adam Birkett 77Hmm5Tg N4 Unsplash
Not all ESG is created equal
Several ESG plays have suffered of late. The realpolitik of the current energy crisis has prompted some to re-think their exposure to the environmental aspect of ESG.
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Evgeni Tcherkasski Bfbhwj4Qafo Unsplash
The return of TINA?
There’s a lot of head scratching in mainstream media on why equities rallied again yesterday, even after Powell doubled down on his hawkish rhetoric.
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Jake Weirick 09Bqxnvo7Eu Unsplash
US vs. European sectors
Two charts, two very different pictures.

US & European sectors are in very different macro regimes currently.
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Daoudi Aissa Pe1Ol9Olc4O Unsplash
Catch up
On Qi’s Short Term models, the valuation gap for US equities has now closed.
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RETINA™ - China Small Caps
RETINA™ has a bullish inflection signal on ECNS – the iShares ETF tracking MSCI China Small Caps.
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Manuel Meurisse 5C8Fczgvar0 Unsplash
The aftermath of a Fed meeting always brings out an outpouring of opinion. A surplus of talking heads labelling the Fed’s latest decision a success or failure.

Opinions are going to be even more diverse when equities rally, seemingly believing the Fed can engineer a soft landing; while the flattening of the yield curve suggests the bond market fears an imminent recession. What do Qi models show?
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The Misery Index
The traditional “misery index” uses the level of unemployment plus the rate of inflation to capture the extent of any economic distress. In short, a lack of job opportunities plus high living costs equates to a miserable population.
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Orion Nebula 11107 1920
A turn in the Dollar?
Qi models have had a good call on the Dollar in 2022. Recognising that, if anything, several Dollar crosses were lagging during the initial “risk off” move in markets & had upside potential.
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James Sullivan Eszrbtkq F8 Unsplash
When China sneezes...
Renewed lockdowns, ongoing regulatory worries & fears supplying Russia would incur Western sanctions. The hits keep coming for corporate China.
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Evgeni Tcherkasski Bfbhwj4Qafo Unsplash
The return of TINA?
There’s a lot of head scratching in mainstream media on why equities rallied again yesterday, even after Powell doubled down on his hawkish rhetoric.
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The glib response would be Qi shows US equities in strong macro regimes, narrowing their valuation gaps relative to last week’s oversold levels, but still catching up with rising model value. Check out the Historical Model Value chart for SPY or re-read “Catch up”.

Another explanation doing the rounds is the relative value facing asset allocators when deciding between stocks & bonds. Bonds are selling off because of inflation, & equities are a better inflation hedge goes the narrative. The ‘There Is No Alternative’ mantra is back.

Qi’s SPY vs. GOVT model is on the cusp of a new macro regime. Having traded sideways for much of 2022, the macro model value now points to a new uptrend – S&P500 to outperform US Treasuries. Having been cheap to bonds, stocks have played catch up.
Spy Vs Govt
The new regime is dominated by rising inflation, Fed rate hikes, low risk aversion & tight credit spreads - together they explain two thirds of the model & point to equities outperforming bonds.

On current patterns, equities are enjoying a relative sweet spot. If the Fed can pull off the balance between tightening policy without prompting “risk off”, equities can continue to ‘climb the wall of worry’.

But bears worry that rising equities undermine Fed efforts to tighten overall financial conditions. Under this scenario rising equities sow the seeds of their own downfall by provoking a more hawkish Fed.

On Qi, watch the Fed rate expectations & inflation expectations factors. If those relationships flip from positive to negative, that downside scenario is panning out.

Also watch Qi’s Fair Value Gap. Currently just +0.4 sigma (+1.5%) but it’s a tight distribution: +0.8 sigma is the FVG high for the last year.
Manuel Meurisse 5C8Fczgvar0 Unsplash
The aftermath of a Fed meeting always brings out an outpouring of opinion. A surplus of talking heads labelling the Fed’s latest decision a success or failure.

Opinions are going to be even more diverse when equities rally, seemingly believing the Fed can engineer a soft landing; while the flattening of the yield curve suggests the bond market fears an imminent recession. What do Qi models show?
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US equities were cheap going into the FOMC. Even after yesterday’s squeeze, they remain modestly below macro-warranted fair value.

NASDAQ was the cheapest before the Fed & remains over one sigma below fair value today. Amongst its peers it remains the best stagflation play & RETINA™ continues to throw out bullish signals on various tech instruments – QQQ, XLK, Growth etc.
Us Equity Etfs
More broadly, current patterns suggest that, for now, US equities are comfortable with a degree of tightening in financial conditions. Fed rate hikes & a stronger Dollar are positives. Rising real yields, wider credit spreads hurt.

Just as well. Last night showed the Fed are intent on moving policy beyond neutral, but the nature of that move is key. A Fed glide path that ensures real yields stay negative & credit default rates stay low is critical for risky assets.

Indeed, it is worth noting that both HYG & the 5s30s curve are showing tentative signs of an inflection in macro model value. Neither move is yet definitive but improving macro conditions here would be critical. Wider credit spreads & yield curve inversion remain the two best signals that the Fed is moving too fast & breaking things.

Finally, the China news is arguably as important & equally noisy. Model confidence is low across several Chinese equity sectors – regulation dominates. But macro still matters & shows all sectors as cheap to fundamentals.

Of those in regime, financials CHIX looks the most efficient expression for those thinking the shift in Beijing’s policy stance provides a green light to buy the dip.
China Equity Sectors
James Sullivan Eszrbtkq F8 Unsplash
When China sneezes...
Renewed lockdowns, ongoing regulatory worries & fears supplying Russia would incur Western sanctions. The hits keep coming for corporate China.
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That’s reflected in Qi’s snapshot of China across asset classes where every model is cheap to macro. That’s most acute for large cap China FXI; least acute for pan Asian High Yield KHYB & Rare Earth ETF REMX.

The only redeeming feature is that the recent sell-off has left Chinese assets having absorbed a fair degree of bad news, at least in macro terms. Qi’s China multi asset watchlist will give real-time updates on the relative leaders & laggards.
For domestic Western investors the critical question is what are the implications? Chinese tracking GDP is a core input in every equity model. In the chart below we show those US & European sectors in regime & their sensitivity to Chinese growth.

Three are especially reliant on Chinese growth. European Retail has a slight advantage in that it’s modestly cheap. US Energy has the commodity dynamic but European Travel & Leisure displays the highest sensitivity &, relatively speaking, starts from a rich valuation.
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