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Macro Markets Insights
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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
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Factor Watch - Real Rates
Equity investors typically have less visibility on shifts in macro factors. But even macro players may lose a degree of perspective. Qi looks at macro factors in z-score terms, capturing their moves relative to long term trend.
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Trading Central Bank
Policy Divergence II
Yesterday we demonstrated how the Qi framework can identify which currency pairs are being driven by interest rate differentials; & hence show which FX crosses best capture the different speed of Central Bank policy normalisation. The next step is to add a valuation overlay.
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Nasa Hi5Dx2Obas Unsplash
Trading Central Bank
Policy Divergence
It’s Fed day. Whatever the outcome, what is evident is the growing divergence opening up between global Central Banks. More specifically, how quickly each exits the extraordinary monetary policy easing seen during the Covid pandemic. Currently, the RBNZ / BoC & ECB appear to be the hawkish & dovish bookends respectively.
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Hs 2009 25 Hubble
Navigating China Stress
Events in China are critical. The implications are widespread & potentially enormous for financial markets. How can investors track across asset classes, across geographies to monitor where the fall-out is leading or lagging?
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RETINA™ & US Sectors
Whether strong earnings, retail buying of the dip or a simple TINA mentality, US equities are back near the highs. Those looking beyond the moves in big tech, however, should note some cautionary signs under the surface.
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US Earnings
Earnings season has been an unambiguous positive for US equities thus far, & gone a long way to propel indices higher despite other headwinds. This week is busy with a number of bellwethers due to report.
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RETINA™ goes interactive
RETINA™ scans your instrument universe intraday and notifies you when valuation and/or trend measures align to generate high probability trade ideas. Used by the world’s leading asset managers and hedge funds globally.
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Juskteez Vu Tirxot28Znc Unsplash
Momentum turns defensive
RETINA™ has two bullish signals on US Consumer Staples. Both are momentum signals, & both advocate defensive Staples versus cyclical sectors.
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Storm clouds gathering
The S&P500 fell out of macro regime on June 29th. That’s the first time the US equity benchmark has not been explained by macro factors in three-&-half years. Low macro model confidence is often associated with increased volatility.
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US equities & inflation - a regime shift?
In our “Inflation – Friend or Foe?” observation we simply added up the number of S&P500 single stocks with a positive relationship with US inflation expectations (‘inflation tailwind’), versus the number with a negative relationship (‘inflation headwind’). Updating that chart today reveals an interesting shift.
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Casey Horner Rmowqdcqn2E Unsplash
Factor Watch - Real Rates
Equity investors typically have less visibility on shifts in macro factors. But even macro players may lose a degree of perspective. Qi looks at macro factors in z-score terms, capturing their moves relative to long term trend.
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The collapse in bond yields since March has been well documented. But, as the chart below shows, the move in 10y real rates is starting to look significant. European real yields in particular are now 3 standard deviations below trend – a level only seen on a handful of occasions over the last 10 years plus.
The signal from the bond market would appear to be that inflation is indeed transitory & growth concerns are escalating. What are the implications?

Real rates do not look attractive from a long term valuation perspective. They have seen significant inflows of late but TIPS & BUNDei’s especially are not necessarily the best inflation hedges right here, right now.

Real yield differentials are the key driver of EURUSD & the move above helps explain the downward pressure on the Euro over May-July. Euro bears need to be on alert for any potential mean reversion.

Screening European equities for sensitivity to EUR real rates reveals it only a modest driver at both the index & sector level. At the margin, peripheral rather than core indices are the most sensitive; while Travel & Leisure plus Banks are the sectors that want real rates higher.
Nasa Hi5Dx2Obas Unsplash
Trading Central Bank
Policy Divergence
It’s Fed day. Whatever the outcome, what is evident is the growing divergence opening up between global Central Banks. More specifically, how quickly each exits the extraordinary monetary policy easing seen during the Covid pandemic. Currently, the RBNZ / BoC & ECB appear to be the hawkish & dovish bookends respectively.
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FX markets will be a popular way to play this & interest rate differentials could emerge as a key driver of currencies. Except rate differentials aren’t always the primary driver of FX. The first step is to quantify where & when they are the dominant engine for FX markets.
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Qi’s G10 fx models include rate differentials at three points along the yield curve. 1y1y & 2y2y differentials are pure plays on relative Central Bank rate expectations.

The third is the 5y5y cross market spread. This captures market perceptions of the terminal rate in each country.

In the chart, red (faded) dots capture models that are in (outside) a macro regime. The y-axis shows where the interest rate differential bucket ranks as a driver versus the other variables in the model’s factor set.

If a model is in regime & rate differentials are the number one driver, that FX cross represents an efficient trading expression for any views on the respective Central Banks’ policy stance.

A simple blanket approach does not work. The RBNZ is perceived as hawkish but while NZDJPY & NZDCHF are sensitive to rate differentials, NZDUSD & NZDCAD are not in regime.

Neither is USDCAD. EURUSD is all about real yields not nominal rate differentials. Respective yield curve shape is more important than rate differentials for USDJPY.

Having identified where rates matter, tomorrow we will add a valuation overlay into the mix.
Hs 2009 25 Hubble
Navigating China Stress
Events in China are critical. The implications are widespread & potentially enormous for financial markets. How can investors track across asset classes, across geographies to monitor where the fall-out is leading or lagging?
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The Qi framework help investors maintain a real-time objective picture of Beijing’s tech crackdown. Optimise Trade Selection allows users to run empirical stress tests. So, for example, if you think a Yuan devaluation is a potential risk scenario, managers can screen their asset class for sensitivity to USDCNH.

Watchlists are useful ways to monitor how different asset classes are faring under the enhanced regulatory regime in China. This “China Multi-Asset” watchlist is now available to all Qi subscribers. Thus far it is worth noting:
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  • Chinese equity indices are all around two sigma cheap to their macro environments. When regulatory risk is the key driver of markets, it might be expected to see low macro model confidence. However, while Shanghai Comp has just 27% R-Squared, every other Chinese equity market – whether index, future or tracking ETF – is in a macro regime.
  • In other areas though the sell-off is less extreme. The S&P500 is ‘only’ 3.4% rich versus Chinese large caps on our SPY vs FXI model. That’s just a 0.5 standard deviation move.
  • KWEB - the China Internet ETF - is approaching one sigma cheap to macro on an outright basis; but is only half a sigma cheap when looking at the relative value versus either US internet (FDN) or US tech more broadly (NASDAQ)
  • Chinese small caps - ECNS is the iShares ETF tracking MSCI’s China small caps index – have not suffered as much. Model confidence is just 51% but the FVG is ‘only’ 0.7 sigma, 6.9%. One to watch if you fear broader contagion?
  • Note the sole Chinese asset with a rich macro valuation is REMX – the VanEck Rare Earth ETF. Ultimately, this is not the end in the secular growth of technology; just about how the data is used, where the companies list & how the industry is regulated.
  • In Fixed Income, Chinese yields have been on a multi-month downtrend. 2y & 5y yield models are not in regime. The 10y is & shows yields as 16bp below macro-warranted model value.
  • Credit is taking a beating. Whether China specific – KCCB is the KraneShares China High Yield ETF & is 1.6% cheap to macro. Or a broader Asian view. China has a 44% weight in the iShares Asia High Yield ETF AHYG. EverGrande, for example, was the second biggest holding as of end-July.
  • Finally, note USDCNH. It is in a strong macro regime & the Dollar is now 1.4% rich versus the Yuan. That’s modest but still the highest FVG since late April. Memories of the 2015/16 devaluation which effectively exported deflation to the rest of the world will be front-&-centre for many investors.
Jake Weirick 09Bqxnvo7Eu Unsplash
US Earnings
Earnings season has been an unambiguous positive for US equities thus far, & gone a long way to propel indices higher despite other headwinds. This week is busy with a number of bellwethers due to report.
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The models shown below are not exhaustive but includes a number of this week’s benchmark releases across big tech & cyclicals. The chart shows which are in macro regimes versus those that are driven by idiosyncratic risks. And, for the former, whether they are rich or cheap relative to their macro environment.
In terms of macro’s importance there is a clear skew: most tech stocks lie to the left of the 65% model confidence threshold. Company fundamentals matter more than macro currently. Most of the stocks in macro regimes are industrial names.

In valuation terms perhaps the most striking feature is how close to fair model value most stocks are. Caterpillar is amongst the cheapest but the FVG is only 0.25 sigma, 3.2% below model. Its regime is mixed but the manufacturer is especially reliant on a steeper yield curve.

Boeing is also modestly cheap but this time tight credit spreads, rising crude oil prices & rising US real rates are more important for bulls.

General Dynamics is the richest of those models in regime. At 0.5 sigma, 4.5% the FVG is near 3month highs. Sensitivity to Fed QE is high suggesting it’s a stock that needs to watch event risk like this week’s FOMC & next month’s Jackson Hole.
RETINA™ goes interactive
RETINA™ scans your instrument universe intraday and notifies you when valuation and/or trend measures align to generate high probability trade ideas. Used by the world’s leading asset managers and hedge funds globally.
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Users can now interact with RETINA™ and fire requests to the trade bot @qi-trade-bot asking for an updated trend / momentum chart, or the latest valuation picture. Simply ask the bot to “plot momentum” or “plot valuation” for an automatically generated updated chart.

Plot Momentum
  • USDJPY is still in an uptrend but the short term trend indicator is rolling over suggests momentum is waning.
Plot Valuation
  • The spot price of the QQQ / SPY ratio is slightly rich versus Qi macro model value.
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Storm clouds gathering
The S&P500 fell out of macro regime on June 29th. That’s the first time the US equity benchmark has not been explained by macro factors in three-&-half years. Low macro model confidence is often associated with increased volatility.
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Now, for the first time since October 2020, Qi’s Cross Asset Absorption Ratio shows a sharp rise from a very low level. That suggests financial markets are becoming less diverse – across asset classes & across geographies, markets are being driven by a single factor (probably global Central Bank policy stimulus). Such concentration risk often provides an early warning of a ‘risk off’ event.
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Qi’s Vol Indicator, another measure that looks at macro’s ability to explain the variance of equity, bond & FX markets, is also rising. Again, when macro fundamentals can’t explain the price action of global capital markets, the risk is markets are at the mercy of more volatile drivers such as positioning & sentiment.

The Vol Indicator is not yet at levels that have historically been consistent with significant VIX spikes, but it is moving towards that territory. Moreover, when combined with the other two signals, there are sufficient alarm bells ringing. There are building signs that risky assets could face turbulence ahead.
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