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Macro Markets Insights
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Topical observations from the Qi macro lens. Build your investment roadmap with the best-in-class quantitative analysis and global data.
White paper: Understanding China exposure
One way Qi can help investors navigate China dynamics is to screen your portfolio for sensitivity to our Chinese macro factors.
This white paper looks at the October / November 2022 period when markets got excited that China’s Covid rules would be relaxed & a re-opening trade helped fuel a ‘risk on’ rally in markets.
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Upgrade: Volatility Indicator
The Qi Vol Indicator has a good track record for leading spikes in VIX. Qi provides clients an alternative to the traditional fear gauge as a way to track regime shifts between “risk on “ & “risk off” environments and acts as red flag for less stable market trading conditions.
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White paper: Explaining what drives stock prices
14 years of evidence.
Quant Insight extracts the sensitivities of asset prices to various key macro factors covering economic fundamentals, financial conditions and measures of investor risk aversion.
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White paper/backtest: Qi Equity LS RV trades - US
Testing the efficacy of Qi Fair Value Gaps as a trading signal in a long/short relative value strategy for single stocks in 4 US sectors.
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White paper/backtest: Qi S&P500 L/S portfolio
Qi’s Fair Value Gap (FVG) analysis was used to construct a long/short portfolio consisting of the 50 single name US stocks in the
S&P 500 with the most extreme FVGs; 25 longs ranked as cheapest according to Qi’s macro models and 25 shorts ranked as the most expensive. Over the last 12 years this L/S strategy returned an annualised 12.3% compared to an annualised return of
2.0% for the HFRX EH - Equity Market Neutral Index (HFRXEH Index).
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White paper/backtest: Qi EuroStoxx L/S portfolio
Qi’s Fair Value Gap (FVG) analysis was used to construct a long/short portfolio consisting of the 50 single name European stocks in the Stoxx 600 with the most extreme FVGs; 25 longs ranked as cheapest according to Qi’s macro models and 25 shorts ranked as the most expensive. Over the last 12 years this L/S strategy returned an annualised 13.4% compared to an annualised return of
9.4% for the Stoxx 600 (SXXP) Total Return Index.
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White paper: Qi FX signals have a 63-66% win rate over 14 years
Trading FX using Qi signals.
Qi FX signals have a 63-66% win rate over 14 years
Premium content, for a full analysis sign up to a month of insights
White paper/backtest: Qi FX Portfolio
Qi FX Portfolio signal backtesting
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White paper/backtest: Summary of FVG
The Qi FVG report featuring all asset classes, hit rates and average returns.
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Methodology and FAQs: A deeper dive into the concept, calculations, data and analysis
Premium content, for a full analysis sign up to a month of insights
White paper: Understanding China exposure
One way Qi can help investors navigate China dynamics is to screen your portfolio for sensitivity to our Chinese macro factors.
This white paper looks at the October / November 2022 period when markets got excited that China’s Covid rules would be relaxed & a re-opening trade helped fuel a ‘risk on’ rally in markets.
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Upgrade: Volatility Indicator
The Qi Vol Indicator has a good track record for leading spikes in VIX. Qi provides clients an alternative to the traditional fear gauge as a way to track regime shifts between “risk on “ & “risk off” environments and acts as red flag for less stable market trading conditions.
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A spike in the Qi Vol indicator implies markets are being driven by more transient factors like flow, positioning & sentiment. All of which are typically more volatile than macro fundamentals
Vol Indicator
For more details on the Volatility indicator or if interested in testing this Qi dataset please contact a Quant Insight representative:
White paper: Explaining what drives stock prices
14 years of evidence.
Quant Insight extracts the sensitivities of asset prices to various key macro factors covering economic fundamentals, financial conditions and measures of investor risk aversion.
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White paper/backtest: Qi Equity LS RV trades - US
Testing the efficacy of Qi Fair Value Gaps as a trading signal in a long/short relative value strategy for single stocks in 4 US sectors.
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White paper/backtest: Qi S&P500 L/S portfolio
Qi’s Fair Value Gap (FVG) analysis was used to construct a long/short portfolio consisting of the 50 single name US stocks in the
S&P 500 with the most extreme FVGs; 25 longs ranked as cheapest according to Qi’s macro models and 25 shorts ranked as the most expensive. Over the last 12 years this L/S strategy returned an annualised 12.3% compared to an annualised return of
2.0% for the HFRX EH - Equity Market Neutral Index (HFRXEH Index).
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White paper/backtest: Qi EuroStoxx L/S portfolio
Qi’s Fair Value Gap (FVG) analysis was used to construct a long/short portfolio consisting of the 50 single name European stocks in the Stoxx 600 with the most extreme FVGs; 25 longs ranked as cheapest according to Qi’s macro models and 25 shorts ranked as the most expensive. Over the last 12 years this L/S strategy returned an annualised 13.4% compared to an annualised return of
9.4% for the Stoxx 600 (SXXP) Total Return Index.
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White paper/backtest: Qi FX Portfolio
Qi FX Portfolio signal backtesting
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White paper/backtest: Summary of FVG
The Qi FVG report featuring all asset classes, hit rates and average returns.
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